Corsa Road Race and Oval Track Package Includes:
USB radio for wireless data downloads
String Pots for Steering Angle
and Throttle Position
Lap Beacon and Pickup
2 axis accelerometer, +/- 5g range
Vehicle Speed Sensor
Cables for power, tach signal,
brake switch connection
Complete package price $3318

Bob Boig, 1998 SCCA National Champion
The Road Race / Oval Track Package offers club and pro
racers an inexpensive way to improve performance with data
acquisition. DeBrief 3 software provides track mapping,
animation, and sophisticated data analysis designed for
road and circle track racers. You can add additional sensors
to monitor braking performance, suspension motion, and engine
performance. Corsa also offers a true wide-band air-fuel
ratio sensor which provides extremely detailed information
on the fuel system and combustion process in the engine.
More About The Corsa Data Logger
a System